Thursday, September 18, 2008

Solar power: Missions trip to Africa?

AFRICA - SOLAR POWER - MISSIONS TRIP - Ok guys. Here is the blog I promised. Can we do it? Can a small group help provide solar power to at least one building in a very rural village in South Africa? Is this really what we are supposed to be doing this year and want to do? If so, let's get rolling on it. Let's blog our ideas - what we want to accomplish - who we can network with to help us - logistics (travel and lodging) ideas and concerns - fund raising ideas - groups to help/support us...and more. You get the idea. Let's get the conversation rolling. We already have had so many good ideas and suggestions and info from new and old members alike. I will post the link again below with instructions for 'how to blog' on our site if you haven't don't it before. Pray over this. Let's really see if this is what God would have us do to help others in our global community and be Jesus to others. It's exciting to think about. So, what are your thoughts, ideas, questions? Let's get this converstation started!!!

The document above tells you how to post to our blog. Remember, you have to create a google account (free at to log in and post on our blogger page. Just scroll over the picture above and double-click. The image will open up enlarged on another page so you can read it easily. You can even save it on your own computer and print it for help until you get the hang of blogging. Hope this helps! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Want to visit Sam at Holmes Regional?

Several of you have expressed an interest in visiting Sam in the hospital to encourage him and pray for him. Some of you have expressed an interest in laying hands on Sam to pray for his healing. Great idea. I think it would be wonderful if three or four folks could go (too many may overstimulate him per the doctors). However, even if we had a larger group, we could go in a few at a time. Plus, we could encourage his family members who are there at the hospital with him. If you are interested in visiting Sam, please blog here and/or send an email to the Bridges site. Email:
It may be best to go on a weekend - Friday, Saturday or Sunday afternoon. What are your thoughts? I can drive at least one of the days; my car will hold four comfortably.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Grandfather.........

M Grandfather was a man who was a cool man that everyone could get down with. He was a man of God and nothing less. he lived life to the fullest and rasied his family well. my Grandfather is with no more in the flesh because he went home to be with the lord at 6:30am this morning. It was weird, it felt like my heart was aching along with him, but the same time, he was happy to be with God. Im glad he is in a better place than i am. He was a great man and a fun grandfather too. He always lectured us to do the right thing and he always made jokes about some of his lectures that he told my family. He was full of knowledge and wisdom. i always joked with him about his hand, everytime he lectured, he would put his palm up and bring all his fingers together kind of like, he wanted to show his seriousness. I will greatly miss because he an awesome grand father to me and i will miss his favorite everytime i ask him, "Hey grandpa how you doing?" and he would say, "I can jump over a high fence backwords!!" (chuckling)..........

This is something i learned from my grandfather, " He was always in high spirits and even if he felt down."

Friday, May 2, 2008


I have a seemingly simple question for you all and I'm excited to hear your responses.

What is truth?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Howdy Partners!!!

I just wanted say hang in there my peeps!! school is almost over and we will be victorious this semester. Keep yo heads high to the sky, and keep bout his goodness and he will keep you my brotha/sista!! anyways, just a word of encoragement. Much Love to ya, Ant Brown aka Shnookums

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Depression Seminar

This is a place for us to discuss our Depression Seminar comming up on April 18th. I thought we might be more prepaired next meeting if some of us could discuss the finer points of the event on this forum.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring Fling

so we have agreed that we shall do a Bible trivia game for the Spring Fling, now to gather ideas on how to run it exactly. if you have an idea, submit it in a comment to this blog such as, for a gift i found a book today hanging out with amanda, maria and erica after we ate valentiono's with anthony, found it at hallmark and it is called Soul Food and it gives you little verses to get you through each day, maybe that can be one of the gifts? or maybe if we can afford it we can make gift packs like cd AND book...?

post comments or suggestions on comments link --------->

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Under the Overpass

I have a book to recomend to all of you that may be interested. It's called Under the Overpass and it was written by Mike Yankoski. The basic storyline is that two Christian college guys decide to test their faith by living on the streets as homeless people for 6 months. It really opens your eyes to the reality that the homeless face every day and it was great research for our project we're working on. It's a great short read. I had a really stressfull and busy couple of weeks and it still only took me a week to read it. I deffinately recomend it and if anyone wants to borrow it, I just happen to have a copy (heh-heh).

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Not giving up.....

So many Christians today are being pulled in every which way and sometimes, it can be mind-boggling and fatiguing. I know it was for me. At one point in time, I almost give me and threw in my towel, but luckily, God and some good friends encouraged me not to give up and keep fighting the good fight for God. Since then, I've been praying for my brothers and sisters in Christ not to give up and not to give in. We've come to far to quit now. So this Blog is for all my brothers and sisters who thinking about giving up, don't give up and don't give in, because I'm praying for you........

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dear Bridges Group,
I am a friend of Mrs. R. You might even say an "antique friend" as I have known her since we were both in Ms. Carradine's 6th grade class! I just wanted to let you know that I am so impressed and encouraged with the outreach that you all are doing @ the homeless shelter...what a witness to the community of the love of Jesus reaching out to those who need your help. I am also thankful for your commitment to each other and your prayer ministry. I will pray for the deepening of your relationships with one another and the success of your outreach to the community you serve! God Bless you and I am looking forward to hearing more good reports about Bridges. P.S. If you want to make Mrs. R squirm a little, I have a riddle you can ask her: How does one borrow her mother's car and return it to it's original (and permanent) parking spot in the garage, without calculating any mileage on the odometer?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spring Fling ideas for our club

Since we had so many good ideas today in our meeting for Bridges participation in the Titusville campus "Spring Fling," we concluded we needed to think and pray about what kind of fun/cool activity to do that would reflect what Bridges is all about ~ loving God, each other, our community. Elise made a great suggestion that our event be something focused on Easter, not the bunny, but Jesus and the real meaning of Easter. Please blog your ideas for what our club could do at the spring fling. Right now, the date is Thursday, April 3 - that's right before spring break begins. Usually spring fling is from about 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or so. Whatever we decide to do, we will need club members to cover that 3-hour time span. So, blog your ideas here and discuss what you think would be cool!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Stand Up, We WIN!!!!

Hey guys, our prayers and letters worked. The news this evening said that while evolution will still be taught in schools, it will be taught as a THEORY!! They can't teach it as fact! If you want to read more about it, here's a link:

Good job everybody! Praise the Lord!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Casting Crowns Thursday

so there has been talk with some of us about going to see Casting Crowns in concert this Thursday, we would like to know who is interested in going because if we have 10 or more people in our group we begin earning discounts. the concert is at the UCF Arena, cost should be around $25, and we would all be sitting around each other. anyone interested please comment.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Our Testimonies

Hi, I am fascinated by hearing stories about when other Christian's accepted Christ as their savior. The details of God's work in a person's life never cease to amaze me. So, I was wondering if anyone woud like to share their testimony. I thought this might also be a good way for us to get to know each other better. Does anyone want to go first?

How to post to our blog

Katie and all,

The document above tells you how to post to our blog. Remember, you have to create a google account (free at to log in and post on our blogger page. Just scroll over the picture above and double-click. The image will open up enlarged on another page so you can read it easily. Hope this helps. Let me know if this method works to create new blog threads or if it doesn't.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cards to accompany gifts

Would someone like to make a few small cards (if you have time) that we can tuck into our gifts given to the community? Just something that says this is from BCC Bridges Fellowship of Christian Students and Staff with our email address ( in case the recipients want prayer or wants to contact us about further needs. Maybe we could put our logo on it. This would be a big help. :-) What do you think?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

WOW - you guys rock!

Unbelievable meeting today guys! God was surely there with us. I was so encouraged by all that everyone shared from God's word. It was so nice to have Annie S, Dexter T, Anthony S and Josh E join us today. God must have been smiling in heaven to see your 91 (UPDATE: 147 pairs!!) pairs of socks you brought for His homeless children. You know, they are His, too. He made them and loves them and so should we. I was moved and inspired by your prayers and to see how much love for Christ is right here on our campus. God is on the move on our campus!

Monday, February 4, 2008


I forgot to share that yesterday at church we announced our 15-Fridays Project and how we were going to bring socks this week. After church a lady came up to me with a brand new package of socks that she JUST SO HAPPENED to have in her car! God is so good!


I am so excited to see what the Lord has done with our club in three short weeks! To see these young people boldly profess Jesus as Lord; to pray out loud; the laying on of hands; and the AWESOME praise & worship we had at our last meeting brought tears to my eyes (I can only imagine what our Lord was thinking!) It reminds me of the words to a song by Hillsong United..."I see a generation, rising up to take their place - with selfless faith, with selfless faith. I see a near revival, stirring as we pray and seek. We're on our knees...we're on our knees!" Keep coming - invite your friends - let's make Bridges the largest God-filled presence our campus has ever seen! To Him be all the honor, glory and praise! Hallelujah!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

15 Fridays project

Hey guys - I am so encouraged about our "15 Fridays" project. Don't forget to bring socks this Thrusday to the meeting (I was looking at some already today). What do you guys think about keeping a video blog of our project and post a quick video for each of the 15 Fridays. We can use the web cam in my office if we want and different members of Bridges could record a brief history/retrospective of the project for that week - what it was and how it went. We can create a visual diary of being Jesus to others - and how our Father blesses us - right here in our own community. Wouldn't that be cool. Looking forward to meeting with our new officers this week sometime!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Don't be ashamed... speak the name of Jesus! Look what He did for you! You can live your life for Him :) Welcome!

MsSalli :)

Welcome to the charter blog for BCC Bridges!

Hi everyone. Welcome to our online conversation or blog! Yikes, I am a novice blogger, so you all will have to give me some tips/tricks/input until we get a webmaster (other than me) for our site.