Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Stand Up, We WIN!!!!

Hey guys, our prayers and letters worked. The news this evening said that while evolution will still be taught in schools, it will be taught as a THEORY!! They can't teach it as fact! If you want to read more about it, here's a link: http://www.reuters.com/article/scienceNews/idUSN1929595320080219

Good job everybody! Praise the Lord!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Casting Crowns Thursday

so there has been talk with some of us about going to see Casting Crowns in concert this Thursday, we would like to know who is interested in going because if we have 10 or more people in our group we begin earning discounts. the concert is at the UCF Arena, cost should be around $25, and we would all be sitting around each other. anyone interested please comment.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Our Testimonies

Hi, I am fascinated by hearing stories about when other Christian's accepted Christ as their savior. The details of God's work in a person's life never cease to amaze me. So, I was wondering if anyone woud like to share their testimony. I thought this might also be a good way for us to get to know each other better. Does anyone want to go first?

How to post to our blog

Katie and all,

The document above tells you how to post to our blog. Remember, you have to create a google account (free at http://www.gmail.com/) to log in and post on our blogger page. Just scroll over the picture above and double-click. The image will open up enlarged on another page so you can read it easily. Hope this helps. Let me know if this method works to create new blog threads or if it doesn't.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cards to accompany gifts

Would someone like to make a few small cards (if you have time) that we can tuck into our gifts given to the community? Just something that says this is from BCC Bridges Fellowship of Christian Students and Staff with our email address (bridgesbcc@gmail.com) in case the recipients want prayer or wants to contact us about further needs. Maybe we could put our logo on it. This would be a big help. :-) What do you think?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

WOW - you guys rock!

Unbelievable meeting today guys! God was surely there with us. I was so encouraged by all that everyone shared from God's word. It was so nice to have Annie S, Dexter T, Anthony S and Josh E join us today. God must have been smiling in heaven to see your 91 (UPDATE: 147 pairs!!) pairs of socks you brought for His homeless children. You know, they are His, too. He made them and loves them and so should we. I was moved and inspired by your prayers and to see how much love for Christ is right here on our campus. God is on the move on our campus!

Monday, February 4, 2008


I forgot to share that yesterday at church we announced our 15-Fridays Project and how we were going to bring socks this week. After church a lady came up to me with a brand new package of socks that she JUST SO HAPPENED to have in her car! God is so good!


I am so excited to see what the Lord has done with our club in three short weeks! To see these young people boldly profess Jesus as Lord; to pray out loud; the laying on of hands; and the AWESOME praise & worship we had at our last meeting brought tears to my eyes (I can only imagine what our Lord was thinking!) It reminds me of the words to a song by Hillsong United..."I see a generation, rising up to take their place - with selfless faith, with selfless faith. I see a near revival, stirring as we pray and seek. We're on our knees...we're on our knees!" Keep coming - invite your friends - let's make Bridges the largest God-filled presence our campus has ever seen! To Him be all the honor, glory and praise! Hallelujah!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

15 Fridays project

Hey guys - I am so encouraged about our "15 Fridays" project. Don't forget to bring socks this Thrusday to the meeting (I was looking at some already today). What do you guys think about keeping a video blog of our project and post a quick video for each of the 15 Fridays. We can use the web cam in my office if we want and different members of Bridges could record a brief history/retrospective of the project for that week - what it was and how it went. We can create a visual diary of being Jesus to others - and how our Father blesses us - right here in our own community. Wouldn't that be cool. Looking forward to meeting with our new officers this week sometime!