
Break our hearts for the things that break Yours.
Show us how to give our lives away.

Make us servant leaders.  

Interesting quick article from Psychology Today about humility triumphing over arrogance in a leader. Not bad for a secular take on humility.
What do you think? (click the link to read)

"21. Four things poison a team faster than anything else: arrogance, lack of communication, “me-first” vs. “we-first,” and jealousy/cynicism." from Catalyst's Brad Lomenick's "50 Quotes for this Generation of Church Leaders"
February 22, 2011

broken hearted...
we lack humility to lift others up and help launch other leaders...
to help others be successful.
utterly broken hearted...
Change us, Father
May we be broken until we get what it is to be servant leaders.
until we learn to say, "how can I help you?" and mean it.
putting Your heart before our own.
ministering, loving ~ in the name of Jesus.
Break our hearts with the things that break Yours, Oh God.
February 21, 2011
Terry Gregory (at the board) - fall 2010 Bridges meeting -
sharing his vision for helping others in Ethiopia
God bless you Terry.  Cheering you on, brother...
How do we know if we have a servant’s heart? By how we act when we are treated like one - author unknown