Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bridges 200th

Today a group of about 20 folks celebrated Bridges 200th meeting on the Titusville campus (since our inception in January 2008). No fanfare; just fellowship, food, sharing praise reports, and collecting T.O.L.L.S. (tokens of living love shared) for Air Mobile Ministries (to help those in the Philippines affected by the typhoon).  Thank you Father God for giving us a place to gather on our campus for the last six years. We are grateful. We have been blessed. May we bless You by laying down our lives for others; to love, to give, to serve ~ always trusting You ~ our only source, our Rock and Redeemer. May we always be a soft place to land for students and staff on our campus. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Nov. 2013 - Operation Christmas Child

Thank you to everyone who donated a filled shoe box to the Operation Christmas Child drive this fall. Together with Ms. Patria's Success Strategies class, we had 31 boxes to give to children around the world in need. Our Bridges Secretary, Matt Lipphardt, delivered the boxes to his church, Arantia Baptist, who will in turn deliver the boxes to the north Brevard drop-off site for shipment with many more filled boxes from other churches and organizations in this area. Pray for the children and families who will receive these boxes - that they will know joy, know love and know that Jesus truly does love them.